Brass Flat Bar

Brass Flat Bars and Brass Flat strips supplied in a range of sizes – all available cut to length.  We stock Brass Flat Bars Bright Polished, Dull Polished and in Mill Finish. If you require a size that we don’t list please Contact Us for a quote. FREE Delivery on orders over £75+vat!


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Brass Flat Bars

Brass is a versatile alloy metal made by combining copper and zinc. It has a range of unique properties that make it highly valued for a range of different applications. By adjusting the proportion of copper and zinc, you can create brass products with different properties, making them suitable for different uses.

1st Choice Metals is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of brass flat bars. We provide high-quality metals for a wide variety of purposes.

All of our Brass Bars are supplied in Grade CZ121 aka CW614N. This is the free machining grade of brass. Its excellent machinability is achieved by the addition of approximately 3% lead into the materials composition. The lead aids lubrication and also acts as a chip breaker.

An extensive range of applications

Brass flat bars are often used widely for decorative purposes. The applications for brass flat bars include decorative trims, rails, handles, valves, bearings and fixings. As a metal, it has excellent corrosion resistance characteristics. This makes it highly valued in settings such as marine applications.

As well as being strong and practical, brass flat bars also have aesthetic appeal, especially once they have been polished. Brass flat bar or strip can also be used for manufacturing high-speed components, switch boxes, architectural extrusions and plug pins.

Strength and machinability

The alloys used to create brass products combine high machinability with considerable strength after forming. By adding zinc, brass flat bars have enhanced strength that makes them suitable for an extensive number of applications. All brasses are ductile and the lower the zinc content, the more ductile they are.

CZ121 Brass Flat Bars

All brasses are alloys of zinc and copper and CZ121 is an alpha/beta alloy containing 37-45% zinc. To improve its machinability it also has a 3% lead content. This lead remains insoluble in the microstructure of the brass and these soft particles act as both a lubricant and as chip breakers.

CZ121 brass flat bars are suitable for high-speed machining operations due to its superior machinability, thread rolling and knurling characteristics. Brasses are divided into two classes. The alpha alloys, with less than 37% Zinc, and the alpha/beta alloys with 37-45% Zinc. Alpha alloys are ductile and can be cold-worked. Alpha/beta or duplex alloys have limited cold ductility and are harder and stronger.

CZ121 brass flat bars also have excellent corrosion resistance and strength. This makes them ideal for applications where it will be exposed to moisture or to the elements. This being one of the main reasons why brass is heavily used on boats, not only as polished decorative strips, trims and rails but also for various handles, valves, clocks, dials, bearings and fixings that can be found in both a boats cabin and also in the engine room.

Due to its bright gold colour, its ease of polishing and also its comparative low cost, brass bar is often cut and machined to produce items of jewellery.

Grade CZ121 brass flat bars are not recommended for cold forming, although with the application of heat some bending will be possible.

Brass flat bars from 1st Choice Metals

At 1st Choice Metals, we have a range of brass flat bars available in different sizes, making them suitable for a number of different applications. We always place an emphasis on high-quality products to ensure that the brass flat bars you receive are completely dependable and will meet your particular needs.

We provide a free cutting service, with one free cut per line item purchased. This means that you will receive the item you ordered at the exact length required for the job you have in mind. We offer quick delivery times with the majority of orders placed before lunchtime being cut & shipped on the same day.

With competitive pricing and a range of shipping options available, we’re your first choice for quality and customer service. Should the size that you require not be listed below, or should you require a different grade of Brass Bar then please contact us and we will send you a quote.

Contact us to find out more.